Good Riddance, Influential Burning Man festival co-founder dead at 70.

Good Riddance, Burning Man festival co-founder dead from possible douche-baggery. (

by Dark_Shroud to news (+26|-8)


Burning Man Aggregates The Single Largest Collection of Assholes On Earth
Burning Man people don’t care what you say about them. Most of them know that they are utterly narcissistic sex and drug crazed idiots with no concept of consequences. They live for the next rationalization. They acquire all of the drugs, the mindless sex and the vapid cult-like BS they desire at Burning Man, so they are willing to endure the bright lights of public derision.
There are almost no black people at Burning Man. Burning Man is a “look at us White Folks” kind of thing.
There are almost no people at Burning Man who are not on medication or who do not need to be deeply medicated.
There are no “burners” who tolerate any outsiders who do not comply with their delusions.
There are almost no women at Burning Man who are not dressed as hookers yet they scream all day about “women’s rights” and “equal appreciation”. Women at Burning Man allow strangers to come up and squeeze their boobs.
There are almost no Burning Man people who have ever actually thought about the fact that they are copying a Mel Gibson movie (Mad Max) made by a corporation in order to try to be anti-corporate.
90% of the people at Burning Man have Herpes, 30% have HIV/AIDS and over 1000 people get a new case of Syphilis at each new Burning Man.
Hundreds of young women are date raped at Burning Man, in drug-induced stupors, and the amnesiac effects of the drugs used prevent them from even remembering the date rapes.
Law enforcement bugs every internet network and phone App that can touch the Burning Man site.
The dust at Burning Man is filled with toxic materials from Nevada weapons tests.
Everything at Burning Man is covered in dirt and dust.
So WHY do you want to go to Burning Man?

Going to Burning Man is a middle-age cry for help - New York Post
New York Post. latest in living ... Why millennials cheat less than their parents ... if Burning Man sets the stage for them to be the way that they really ...

From sex to friendship, are millennials' lives ruled by narcissism? ... As she leaves Burning Man, Witt tries to imagine a future sexuality without shame, ...

2015 Which Famous Assholes Are Going To Burning Man ...

Inside New York's 700-Member "Millennials-Only" East Coast Burning Man Type Sex Club

Daniel Saynt, a Puerto Rican bisexual ex-Jehovah's Witness who changed his name and opened up 700-member NYC "Millennials only" sex club "NSFW" (New Society for Wellness), has a few rules for those seeking to get their group-sex on.

  • You have to be hot
  • You have to be young
  • You have to be interesting and active on social media
  • Saynt has to be able to imagine himself having sex with you or next to you
NSFW has 700 members who all meet the following criteria: attractive, successful and social-media savy

If a guy applies and says, ‘I just want to have sex with as many girls as possible,’ that’s not someone we want here,” said Saynt. “I use my bi[sexual] sense ... Like, do I want to hook up with them? Would I want this person having sex next to me? If not, then we won’t accept them.”

All is not lost however for fat, sexually frustrated New York City millennials - as they'll have ample time to work on their sex-club bodies and social skills while NSFW chews through its waiting list of over 300 horny people, while more than 9,000 applicants didn't make the cut

The average age of a NSFW member is 28, who pay a one-time membership fee of $96, and an extra charge of $30 - $150 per sex party. Around 60% of members are in open relationships, and the majority are bisexual. As we've mentioned, Saynt's standards are incredibly high. 

“Being a hot woman, I don’t want to fuck everyone and I don’t want ­everyone to think they can fuck me,” said member Lola Jean, 28, who works as a sex educator and is known in the sex-club community as a wrestling dominatrix. “At other parties, it’s hard to be the hottest person in the room and have all this attention coming at you — but here, everyone is hot so they all get it.”

The club also holds thematic events:

THE bacchanals — the biggest of which take place at city venues such as House of Yes — celebrate themes ranging from BDSM and foot-fetish workshops to caviar dinner parties, but all end with little to no clothing on and plenty of hooking up.

“Members dress in layers to allow for various stages of nudity as the night develops,” said member Melissa Vitale, 25, a publicist. Sometimes there is a strict all-black dress code that includes masks. -NY Post

Saynt, born Daniel Santiago, grew up poor in New York. Raised by Puerto Rican parents who were strict Jehovah's Witnesses, he attended church every Sunday, woke up at 6 a.m. every day, and spent 10 hours a week at Bible study. 

"As per the tenets of his religion, he did not celebrate birthdays or holidays, including Christmas." -NY Post

“It’s not just a religion, it’s a lifestyle,” said Saynt. “Your friends, family and everyone you interact with are all Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

Then Saynt had his first sexual experience at 13 with another boy from the neighborhood.

“It was very confusing and scary being in a faith that is so traditional in their approach to LGBT people,” Saynt said of the Jehovah's Witnesses - who consider homosexuality a punishable sin. “It really stunts you.”

In 2001 - against his parents' wishes to become a missionary, Saynt enrolled at Berkeley College in Midtown, graduating in 2005 with a degree in e-commerce and legally changing his surname to from Santiago. Saynt says that he began to sexually experiment in college, hooking up with men and women on Craigslist and attending sex parties. 

After a failed six-year attempt at a straight marriage, Saynt left the digital lifestyle-marketing company he co-founded and opened up an Eyes-Wide-Shut tier sex club in NYC

“I got tired of selling shoes and handbags and beauty things that people don’t need,” said Saynt of his fashion-marketing days. “I wanted to sell things that make people happy, like sex.”

SAYNT began accepting applications for NSFW in 2015. Potential members must answer a detailed questionnaire about their fantasies and preferences, submit photos of themselves and provide links to their social-media accounts. -NY Post

“We look for people with a story to share,” said Saynt. “If you can’t share a conversation with someone, you can’t share a bed.”

In order to decide who makes the cut, Saynt has a trusted "council" of five judges "want people who post photos of themselves with friends and at local hot spots, doing fun activities and traveling the world. Hateful political views, too few photos or awkward close-ups are an automatic “No."

Members who enter NSFW's Williamsburg clubhouse will find six beds in the basement with mesh dividers, adorned with Christmas lights, lanterns, and a large "XXX" marquee sign which greets guests over the door. 

Photos of tattooed models holding pizza and hot dogs over their genitals line the walls. Black leather toys are on display for members to test.

Wonder if they've got this one?

Saynt isn't just selling experiences either - he's selling sex dolls out of his sex club!

Saynt’s marketing company, also called NSFW, works with brands such as Real Love Sex Dolls to market directly to club members by letting them test out and buy discounted products. The partnerships, in turn, help fund the parties.

So - in addition to all the hot sex with incredibly attractive people, members receive the fringe benefit of a discount on a wide variety of sex toys. 
